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Update on JSerra Teacher Ricardo Aldana’s Case

It seems that every man, woman and child is coming out of the woodwork to tell a story about sexual abuse by their school teacher or school sports coach. We’re not saying that all of them are manufactured stories, but a few have come to light recently that have been made up by the students in order to get some sort of retribution for a perceived insult or wronging.

The case of Ricardo Aldana, a teacher at JSerra Catholic High School in San Juan Capistrano, has gained a lot of publicity, mainly from students and parents who maintain his innocence. There is even a Facebook page dedicated to testimonials from students and colleagues who know him.

On the other hand, the school fired Aldana when the allegations struck, not bothering to find out the facts first. They could have easily suspended him until his trial was finished, but apparently they don’t have to abide by our country’s constitutional right to be considered innocent until proven guilty.

Aldana is expected to be arraigned today at the Harbor Justice Center on seven felony counts of lewd acts on a child, and he faces seven years in state prison if convicted. Michael Molfetta, Aldana’s defense attorney, wants the public (and everyone involved in the case) to know that the charges are just that-charges. They are not surprised by the charges, but Molfetta has strongly stated that he does not want to try this case “in the media; if the prosecution insists on doing so, they’re going to find me quite chatty.”

Molfetta goes on to talk about the large number of witnesses who will attest to Aldana’s honorable qualities in the courtroom.

Molfetta has also been vocal about one specific allegation in the case. The prosecutors allege that Aldana picked up the young girl in question near her home while her mother was out of town, drove her to his home in Dana Point and sneaked her into his bedroom without his roommates seeing her. Once in his bedroom, the “substantial unlawful sex acts” were alleged to have been forced on the child, before Aldana returned her to her home around 4 a.m.

“It simply didn’t occur,” Molfetta said. “We will be able to prove it would be impossible to sneak into that house without other adult female witnesses – who spent the evening with Mr. Aldana – knowing it.” He also discusses how Aldana’s gated community records who comes and goes with photographs, and how cell-phone records will prove his client’s whereabouts at the time of the alleged events.

If the child’s story is true, clearly it is an unacceptable crime. But until it is proved to be more than just a young girl’s story, we should not condemn Aldana. At the Law Offices of Glew & Kim, we see all clients as innocent until proven guilty, and believe in equal justice for all. If you or someone you know has been involved in a crime and needs honest, unbiased defense, please call us immediately on 714-713-4525 or use our online form for a free case analysis.

This is not an attorney-client communication, and as such no advice is being offered in this article. Any and all communications related to the Glew & Kim Law website should be deemed and considered advertisement. This article is purely opinion, and the basis of this and any opinion was formed subject to the reporting by the actual news agencies, the information from which was used as source material.
