Santa Margarita School Fires Two Coaches Involved in Marijuana Case
The facts in this case seem slim, but we are very concerned with the recent spate of schools overreacting with their staff.
Again, we know that the Penn State scenario has made many school administrators very anxious, but now they’re going overboard.
Take the Santa Margarita Catholic High School in Rancho Santa Margarita-yesterday they terminated two assistant football coaches that are currently involved in a marijuana possession case. It seems that they are more concerned with not putting a damper on the football team’s state championship than with whether or not these two are actually guilty. Like Ricardo Aldana at JSerra, the Santa Margarita Catholic High School’s administration seem to be condemning them as guilty rather than finding out if they are actually innocent or not.
Sean Coen, formerly a full-time coach, and Robert Hendricks, formerly a walk-on coach, were terminated “based on the facts” the administration “gathered” in their investigation. The pair pleaded guilty in September to possession of marijuana, but were still allowed to coach through the season. The administration must have made an exception to their investigative “facts” to make sure that Coen could keep assisting Coach Harry Welch. A mixed message, to be sure.
Yet the two former coaches, along with another St. Margaret’s assistant football coach Charles Spann, had the felony charges against them dismissed as part of a plea agreement. The district attorney’s office dismissed the charges for marijuana cultivation and marijuana possession with intent to sell. Perhaps because it was a legal growth amount? Perhaps it was a medical marijuana collective? The facts we have do not say.
What do you think about the recent trend of schools firing coaches? Do you think the coaches are guilty? Do you think the schools should take more responsibility for what’s happening at their school, especially in the allegations of sexual abuse? Do you think that the schools should be suspending the teachers, rather than firing them, until the courts have decided their guilt or innocence? We have had one commenter on our blog who has personally been subjected to persecution, segregation and discrimination because of an alleged sexual abuse charge. We encourage those of you with children in Orange County and Los Angeles schools to voice your opinions in the comment box below.
At the Law Offices of Glew & Kim, we see all clients as innocent until proven guilty, and believe in equal justice for all. If you or someone you know has been involved in a marijuana-related arrest and needs honest, unbiased defense, please call us immediately on 714-713-4525 or use our online form for a free case analysis.