More Children Thrown Away by OC Parents
It seems like the way to deal with children in Orange County at the moment is to throw them out a window or off a boat. Are parents suddenly forgetting any and all common sense when it comes to child rearing? FYI: throwing your child off a parking structure or a boat is considered child abuse.

Newport Harbor, where the incident took place yesterday.
The most recent incident happened yesterday in Newport Beach, where Sloane Briles, 35, was accused of hitting his 7-year-old son and throwing him off the tour boat. It seems that Briles was on the boat with his girlfriend and his two sons from a previous marriage, one the 7-year-old in question, and another, aged six.
Around 2PM, Briles started arguing with his girlfriend, reported Jim Amormino, spokesman for the Orange County Sherriff’s Department. After the argument, Briles allegedly moved toward the front of the boat, followed by his visibly upset 7-year-old son. Instead of comforting his son (note: a common and appropriate parenting technique), Briles was seen by witnesses first hitting his son, then throwing him overboard.
People on three other boats in the vicinity quickly rallied to pull the boy from the water, who were able to get him to safety before Briles, who also jumped in the water after his son, could reach him. He did return to the tour boat, which was soon boarded by the Orange County Sherriff’s Department’s Harbor Patrol.
Just in case Briles wasn’t in enough trouble, he also did not cooperate with the deputies who boarded the tour boat, was taken into custody and booked into Orange County jail on suspicion of child endangerment and resisting arrest.
One last tidbit that won’t surprise anyone: apparently the authorities believe that Briles had been drinking before the incident. He was, according to arrest records, released in the early hours of Monday morning after posting bond.
Do you suspect someone of child abuse, or have you seen a child subjected to abuse? Have you been a victim of domestic violence, and fear for your and your children’s safety? Please call the Law Offices of Glew & Kim immediately on 714-713-4525, or use our online form for a Free Case Analysis. We believe in equal access to justice for all.