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California Health and Safety Code Section 11358

Your freedom and future are at stake. California Health and Safety Code Section 11358 Under this statute, the cultivation of marijuana is a felony. A common misunderstanding is that planting only a small number of marijuana plants is a less serious offense than a large grow with many plants; in reality, whether you plant 1 … Read more

California Health and Safety Code Section 11357.5

Your freedom and future are at stake. California Health and Safety Code Section 11357.5 This statute was passed to try and curb the rising use of “synthetic marijuana.” Under this statute, anyone who sells, dispenses, distributes, furnishes, administers, gives away, or possesses for sale, any of the above-listed “synthetic marijuana” compounds is guilty of a … Read more

California Health and Safety Code Section 11357

Your freedom and future are at stake. California Health and Safety Code Section 11357 Simple possession of marijuana and concentrated cannabis (hash) is covered under this statute. Concentrated cannabis is defined, for the purposes of this statute, under California Health and Safety Code Section 11006.5, while marijuana is defined under California Health and Safety Code … Read more

California Health and Safety Code Section 11352

Your freedom and future are at stake. California Health and Safety Code Section 11352 This statute makes selling, transporting, administering, giving away, and furnishing any controlled substance, a felony in California. Unlike Health & Safety Code Section 11351, one must actually sell, transport, administer, or furnish a controlled substance to be convicted under this statute; mere … Read more

California Health and Safety Code Section 11351.5

Your freedom and future are at stake. California Health and Safety Code Section 11351.5 This section deals specifically with “crack” cocaine possession with intent to distribute. Under this section, possession of “crack” cocaine with intent to distribute is a felony. At Glew & Kim, the majority of our cases involve narcotics offenses, and we specialize … Read more

California Health and Safety Code Section 11351

Your freedom and future are at stake. California Health and Safety Code Section 11351 Under this statute, possession of a controlled substance, with intent to distribute, is a felony. Although this section deals with the same controlled substances as California Health and Safety Code Section 11350, this statute differs in that it requires both possession and intent … Read more

California Health and Safety Code Section 11350

Your freedom and future are at stake. California Health and Safety Code Section 11350 This statute covers simple possession of a controlled substance. A controlled substance is a drug or chemical whose manufacture, possession and use are regulated by the government under the United States Controlled Substance Act. Common controlled substances that fall under this … Read more

What Are City Attorneys Doing With Your Dispensary

Your freedom and future are at stake. What Are City Attorneys Doing With Your Dispensary? There is a great deal of misunderstanding about bans against medical marijuana dispensaries. You may believe you can legally operate a dispensary when in fact, your city has a ban in place. Hearsay is not a reliable source of information … Read more

How Do CUA and MMPA Protect You?

Your freedom and future are at stake. How Do CUA And MMPA Protect You? The declared purposes of the CUA were(1) “[t]o ensure that seriously ill Californians have the right to obtain and use marijuana for medical purposes where that medical use is deemed appropriate and has been recommended by a physician who has determined … Read more

City-By-City Ordinance

Your freedom and future are at stake. City-By-City Ordinance In November of 2016, California voters approved Proposition 64, which legalized the use of recreational marijuana in the state by a margin of 56 percent to 44 percent. The state joined Colorado, Washington, Oregon and Alaska with this distinction.With legalization of recreational marijuana, counties and cities … Read more