Your freedom and future are at stake.
Delta 9–THC V Carboxy–THC: Understand The Difference
Get Information On This Issue If Your Criminal Case May Depend On It
There is a huge difference between delta 9–THC and carboxy–THC.
Delta 9–THC is the compound responsible for impairment. This compound is highly unstable and breaks down into non-active metabolites called carboxy–THC. Unfortunately, carboxy–THC compound can last for months in your system and still tests positive for THC. Carboxy–THC has absolutely no impairment effect whatsoever.
The Importance Of Retesting
It’s important to retest your blood sample and have it independently tested to separate those two compounds and quantify how much delta 9–THC, if any, was found in your system at the time of the drive.
Why You Need To Know About This And Other Technical Topics Related To Your Criminal Charges
The Law Offices of Glew & Kim works hard to keep clients and potential clients informed about issues affecting their legal matters such as marijuana-related DUI. Consult with one of our lawyers to discuss your criminal matter and the issues you need to learn about to make the right decisions as your case moves forward.
The Law Offices Of Glew & Kim Awaits Your Call Or Email Inquiry
Please contact us online or call 714-713-4525 to schedule a free initial consultation if you have been charged with any drug-related offense such as marijuana DUI and possession of marijuana.