Attempted Murder or Postpartum Depression?
On Monday, something very shocking happened at the Children’s Hospital of Orange County, something not expected to occur at a medical facility. A woman dropped or threw her 7-month old baby out of the parking garage’s fourth story.
The first reaction would be that this woman is clearly a cold-blooded killer guilty of what may be infanticide-the child is currently fighting to survive at the UC Irvine Medical Center as of yesterday. Sonia Hermosillo, 31, is currently being held in custody and undergoing psychiatric evaluation.

But if you think about it for a minute, things look a little different. Consider that she already has two children with her husband, Noe Medina, so it’s not a case of a single mother without support feeling like she couldn’t cope with an infant.
Her neighbors in La Habra describe her as a loving, happy mother who recently seemed withdrawn and stayed inside more than normal. Her husband did report that she was suffering from extreme depression five months ago, just two months after the baby, Noe Medina Jr., was born and was not allowed to be alone with the baby.
Also, she was in the parking structure for a hospital dedicated to children; if she was determined to abandon the baby because she couldn’t take care of it, she could have left him somewhere in or just outside the hospital for a staff member to find.
Although we do not condone Sonia Hermosillo’s actions at all, they are clearly the actions of a woman not in her right mind at all. She ran from the house with the baby, without telling her husband where she was going and leaving the other two children at home. At the moment, she is cooperating with police and has been described as being calm and stoic about the incident. Is she so depressed she cannot understand the severity of her actions, or the fact that her son is fighting for his life?
This woman’s case will need an attorney who can help the jury see beyond the shocking events of Monday evening, and understand that this woman is potentially suffering from mental illness and severe postpartum depression, and rule accordingly.
If you are looking for legal representation who will look at all angles of the case, treat you like a real person and fight for your case, call the Law Offices of Glew & Kim immediately on 714-713-4525, or use our online form for a Free Case Analysis. We believe in equal access to justice for all.