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Stabbed Over Drinking and Driving in Santa Ana

It’s hard to understand exactly what happened in this case, and how the defense will therefore react.

Early yesterday morning, a 49-year-old man was stabbed in the torso in his house on the 1400 block of South Standard Avenue, according to Santa Ana Police Cmdr. Steve Colon.

Luckily, his injuries were not life-threatening, although he was still taken to the hospital for treatment, said Colon, and Mike Carillo Nuñez of Anaheim has been arrested and booked on suspicion of assault with a deadly weapon.

Here’s where it gets confusing. Apparently the pair were arguing about whether Nuñez would drive home from a party after he’d been drinking-never an easy conversation to have with someone who has been drinking, to be sure. But what confuses us is that, according to Colon, they had settled the argument and had gotten all the way back to the house before the stabbing occurred.

Perhaps Nuñez held a grudge after the argument? Perhaps he felt threatened by the man’s arguing tactics? Perhaps the argument started up again after they returned home, and Nuñez needed to defend himself?

According to a 2010 U.S. Department of Justice Report on Alcohol and Crime, alcohol abuse was a factor in 40 percent of violent crimes committed in the U.S. Alcohol was a factor in two-thirds of violence by someone the victim knew intimately (family member, spouse, etc.). Do you feel that people are more violent when they’re drinking? Do you feel that the police should be stricter with people who drink and drive?

So if you lose your temper over the holiday table with a family member after you’ve been drinking, remember to call the Law Offices of Glew & Kim. We see all clients as innocent until proven guilty, and believe in equal justice for all. If you or someone you know has been involved in a crime and needs honest, unbiased defense, please call us immediately on 714-713-4525 or use our online form for a free case analysis.
